Saturday, October 10, 2015

Seven months of Grace

Grace is seven months old today!

Her hair is actually brown, not red. Just the lighting.

Everything about this face exudes sweetness.

I had to add this pic because standing up against the couch is her newest trick.
Since Grace's last update a month ago:

  • She has her first two teeth!! And so far she has handled teething very well. One day of drooling and still a very pleasant baby. They're just the cutest little bottom chompers.
  • She has become pretty disinterested in bottles. She just likes to chomp down on the nipple with her new cool teeth.
  • She LOVES LOVES LOVES eating big girl food. She has tried sweet potatoes, squash, apples, and pears and loves all of them. She eats those and her rice/oatmeal cereals like a champ!
  • She has started Daycare and seems to really enjoy it. She only goes on Fridays, she has never fussed or cried when we handed her over to new people, and they say she's an easy baby. It puts my soul at peace that it is going so well.
  • When I said last month that she was in 6-mo-old clothes, I meant like one or two 3-6-mo-old onesies. But now she is FINALLY wearing all 6-mo-old clothes. Even though most of them are baggy, I figured pushing the 3-mo-old clothes for four months was long enough!
  • She almost always rolls over and naps on her tummy.
  • She is a jabberer
  • She has a new high chair which she very much enjoys
  • You can tell she's trying to get up on her hands and knees, but usually when her knees come up her face goes down.
  • She started scooting a little. For one day. Backwards.
  • She flaps her arms constantly.
  • She's got more hair growing in.
  • Even though that third pic doesn't totally demonstrate it, she has very strong legs and a strong core and can stand up against the couch, lean over and grab for things, and stand herself up again without any help. We're always right there next to her, of course. ;)
  • She does this thing in her carseat, on the the changing table, and in her stroller where we set/lay her down and she just puts up two stiff arms to the side, sits up as straight as she can, and/or cranes her neck up to fight being buckled in. 
  • She's still so amazing to take to the gym. Just sucks on her binky in her stroller for like 30+ min while I work out.
  • She grabs my face/hair and comes towards me with an open mouth, which I interpret as her trying to give me a kiss.
  • She is starting to be a little more ticklish.
  • When I sing to her she smiles at me. Maybe because she likes it or maybe because she's laughing inside at my terrible voice.
She truly gets cuter and sweeter by the day. We love baby Grace Elizabeth.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously though.....she's not just cute, she is so beautiful! She's just going to be a stunner! I can't believe she is already 7 months!
