Saturday, September 12, 2015

Six months of Grace

Baby Grace has brightened our lives for half a year already! She hit her 6-month mark on Sept 10, just in time for college football season, and she's decided she's a baby cougar. Hence her outfit.

Active limbs=blurry pics. I give up. Her face is presh.

Sweetest smile that melts our hearts.

Grace gets cuter every month. She doesn't have as many new updates as she did at five months, but here they are just the same:
  • Weighing in at 15 lbs 8 oz, she is in the 40th percentile for weight (her birth weight was 7 lbs 0 oz)
  • At 25.3 in she is still in the 30th percentile for height
  • Her brain apparently had a growth spurt, because she's in the 94th percentile for head circumference. I personally don't believe that. Her head doesn't look that big. But maybe it's just me.
  • She sits up very well for a long time and plays with her toys
  • She is officially eating and loving solids, though as of right now she's only had rice cereal, oatmeal cereal, and she went to town sucking on a piece of watermelon
  • She stares at everyone as they eat and at everything they're eating. She smacks her lips and gazes at you with pleading eyes that make you want to just shovel all your food into her little adorable baby mouth.
  • She touches our faces constantly.
  • She has gotten noticeably more snugly with me in the last month, falling asleep in my arms and on my shoulder, and turning her face so our noses touch when I pull her into bed in the morning for a few more minutes of sleep-in.
  • She is generally an excellent napper morning and early afternoon.
  • She sometimes rolls over onto her stomach in her crib.
  • She often cries when I leave the room.
  • Her favorite toy currently is probably my lanyard and badge for clinicals.
  • She is working on the cutest little scrunchy-nosed smile. I unfortunately haven't captured it yet to post.
  • Stranger danger has definitely set in. We handed her off to several different friends at a baseball game and with each of them she busted out the pouty limp and broke into a heartbreaking cry. Same thing last night at a redbox machine. She was in her stroller facing a strange man and she apparently thought we'd just left her in an unknown place with an unknown dude and she had a meltdown.
  • While she still fits in several of her 3-mo clothes, she has outgrown lots of them recently and now has some adorable 6-mo-old clothes she's wearing.
  • She sleeps in her own room like a champ.
And speaking of her room...I finished it this last month. We live in a two bedroom apartment and we use the second room for both an office and a nursery, so her room is actually a half-room. But it totally works, because our glider is in the living room. I loved decorating this and am really excited about how it all came together and how little money I spent on it.

Owl themed, as you can see. The Pack and Play was more practical since we'll be moving next year. Plus, it was given to us for free by James' aunt Susan! The colors (green and purple) were conveniently a perfect match with the rest of the room!

Bagpack/lunchbox owl from Diane (mother-in-law)

Pillow I made. Jk it's from Michael's.

Vase from Walmart, flowers from Michael's 

Star from Germany (Shay brought it home from her mission. Grace loves ceiling fans and since there isn't one in her room, this is the next best option). Pics from Michael's, TJMaxx, and Babies R Us, and the one of Christ is from Greg Olsen. 

A puzzle I did and glued (from Barnes and Noble for $3.12 because I had a gift card)

Shelf and drawers from Target and Walmart. ($20 because I used a gift card for most of it) Stuffed bear and moon statue belonged to my maternal grandma and the brown bunny is from James' cousin Whitney.All the books and blankets were gifts from baby showers.

This blanket also belonged to my grandma. I painted the letters I bought at Michael's

Rug from K Mart 

Changing table I bought from KSL and repainted. 

Hamper from TJ Maxx 

Cute wall hanging from my mom
Thanks for everyone whose gifts contributed to this adorable and sentimental half nursery for sweet baby Grace.

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