Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Eight months of Grace

It is snowing today and Grace is 8 months old!

New outfit! Guess what? It's a 6-mo outfit still. 

The pictures give away a few things, but here are Grace's updates:

  • Grace LOVES her two little teeth. She touches them all the time, wants to chomp on everything, and ate the corner off of her first (and hopefully her last) library book!
  • She is crawling! I posted an Instagram video of her crawling with a wonky leg. Well, that was day 1. By day 2 the wonky leg was gone and now she's crawling pretty normal-like. Now she's into cords, the drawers on the TV stand, and everything else...although she's not too brave about crawling on the slick kitchen floor yet.
  • In addition to crawling she is constantly planking and putting herself in all sorts of awkward and uncomfortable-looking yoga poses. She's pretty hard core.
  • She doesn't like it when I take a shower, but she LOVE LOVE LOVES bath time. We've moved her out of her baby tub and into the big tub and she splashes, wipes everything with the rags, tries to lay down on her tummy, sticks her hand in the running water, and I think she's figured out when bath time is over, because she repeatedly closes the drain after I open it!
  • She says "mama" all the time although she has no idea what she's saying or what it means, but it's nice to hear. :)
  • She has also started reaching a bit. Unfortunately for everyone, she's usually reaching for me.
  • She gets a huge smile on her face and flaps her arms like crazy when James pulls out his mandolin and plays her a little ditty before bed.
  • She has grown impossible at church for the most part.
  • She is either terrified of or just loathes the vacuum, because I've never heard her scream so loud, seen her get so red, or watch her more violently shake in her standing toy.
  • She loves to pick things up and wave them around: her binky, her stuffed bear, her spit rags.
  • She has started scratching her diaper after we put it on and will sometimes get so distracted by it and just stop everything and reach down to scratch it. Haha..so hilarious.
  • She smacks her lips when she's hungry. And also when she's not. But especially when she is.
  • She rides sitting up in the grocery cart and thinks she is just the coolest cat.
  • She is starting to really love books. She'll sit quietly through the sacrament when we pull a book out and just yesterday I read her all 10 of her library books and she sat still and quiet and very attentive. Her favorite book by far is Pinkalicious.
  • Her favorite toys are basically all things that are not toys: sprinkles containers, wrappers, my phone, my badge, my hair, the remote...
  • I finally gave in and started putting her to bed earlier when daylight savings rocked our world. She now sleeps a solid 12 hours consistently. (But we miss the extra time with her at night so we always go pick her up while she's sleeping and smooch her face off.)
  • She loves sleeping on her side.
  • She throws everything off her high chair tray.
  • She is an expert on putting her own binky in her mouth, even when she's mostly asleep.
  • I swear she becomes more snugly each month! She'll just lay on my shoulder and in my lap as she grabs my hair or my nose or waves her binky in the air.
She is making it harder and harder to go into clinicals but more and more fun when I get to be home with her. We are crazy for Gracie :)

1 comment:

  1. She is just the most adorable baby! I miss her!! She's growing too stinking fast!
