Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Life now and again after death

A few weeks back I had the awesome privilege of hearing Sheri Dew speak at a Relief Society broadcast here in Houston.  She immediately started out speaking about those things in life that matter most, using the example of dropping everything when someone you love dies. Whether you make it to their funeral or not, your thoughts definitely change with their passing. Suddenly most everything you spend most all of your time on dissipates and momentarily takes a backseat while you grieve their passing, celebrate their life, and reflect on the truths that form the foundation of your faith.

The last several weeks I've felt busier than in recent months. I found myself stressing over a lot of things and focusing my time on good things but not always the best things. In the last couple of weeks James and I have attended funerals for his grandma and mine, and we've lamented the passing of Ashleigh Cox, a sweet and beautiful girl from my family's home ward (years ago) and a friend of mine from BYU.

Incidentally, Sheri Dew's words have really become very poignant in my mind. My physics class, the cub scouts science experiments, the physical therapy for my knee, applying to an ultrasound program, and stress from work have all shriveled in comparison to the consuming thoughts of what life is really about.

Life is really about family. It's about love, service, and developing our talents to bless and benefit others. It is about working hard, expressing gratitude, and cherishing the scriptures. Life is about developing a relationship with God and preparing to return to His presence, which we can only do by following our Savior's example and relying on the power of His Atonement and the miracle of His victory over death.

  • I know we were first spirit children of a Heavenly Father before we ever gained physical bodies from our mortal parents.
  • I know we came to earth understanding that death was part of the journey on our way back to enjoying eternal life with that Heavenly Father.
  • I know that Jesus Christ really lived and really died and that because of Him we will all live again and see our families again.
  • I know that the righteous are taken when the time is right for them and that they rest peacefully in paradise. 
I cannot imagine not knowing these truths in such difficult moments and am everlastingly grateful that I do.

I did not know James's Grandma McKean very well, but her funeral made it obvious to me how wonderful a woman she must have been. She was intelligent, humorous, kind, accepting, fun, and selfless. All her grandchildren were her favorites and her kids never felt anything less than unconditional love from her.

My Grandma Heiner was equally wonderful. Her love of the Savior, my grandpa, and her family along with her passion for music, games, food, reading, and all beautiful and wholesome things impressed and inspired me.

Ashleigh Cox, the BYU student who was killed by an avalanche just this past weekend grew up in my home ward. I have memories of her as a young woman who didn't realize just how incredible she was. We talked and later emailed each other about our insecurities and relationships with others. When she got into college she absolutely blossomed into one of the most beautiful, confident, selfless, driven girls I could have imagined. It brought me such joy to see her making the most of her life.

James's Grandma died after a long life of 89 years having been separated from her husband for 27. My grandma's death was more shocking and she was younger, but she lived a life so full of service, love, and happiness that her 74 years might as well have been 89, and she terribly missed my grandpa who passed away in 2011. Ashleigh, in her short 21 years, seems to have given, loved, and learned to her fullest capacity.

I truly believe God knew these women had proven that they understood the purpose of life. They influenced all those around them for good and will be missed until we see them again.

And in the meantime, I am more fully committed to living a more purposeful life focused on the things that matter most so that when my time comes, the same things can be said of me.


  1. So beautifully written, Aleisha. Thanks for sharing your thoughts during this difficult time. :)

  2. Well said, Aleisha. I have been struggling to keep my chin up and everything in perspective. Thanks for the reminder.
