Monday, March 10, 2014

Demasiado tiempo libre me vuelve loca!

So here's the yippy skippy on our life these days:

James is still traveling every week. And now he's studying for the GMAT a few hours each day (when he can) and then he has a three hour class every Saturday morning. He enjoys being busy. He's very efficient with his time and he's the best.

On weekends we still play super hard as we try out new restaurants, watch movies, work out together, sleep in late, and enjoy the awesome people in our ward.

We are moving to Utah in exactly two months!! So happy but also a little sad!! (My vignette about our time in Houston coming soon).  We're moving because James took a job at a start-up private equity firm in Draper called Tower Arch Capital. We did not expect to be coming back to Utah so soon, but we're really excited to be near family and the mountains, and the job opportunity is a really cool and unique one for James. We plan to be there for two years and then we'll head who knows where for James to go to business school. :)

Last week I quit my part-time desk job at a music studio  because of...stuff, so that freed up some time all of a sudden. Why didn't I just stick it out two more months? Because I didn't want to and I felt like it was best for me to leave when I did.

So unlike Mr. McKean, I currently have too much free time. That is definitely a subjective statement, as my Mom and James kind of laugh and roll their eyes (probably, although I can't see Mom through the phone) about me craving to be busier and busier. You would think what with a barfing four-credit physics class, a medical terminology class, teaching a few piano lessons a week, cub scouts, tutoring, the Insanity workout videos every day, book club books, my giant puzzle, and like a zillion other little things that I wouldn't have much free time, but I still feel like I do. And I don't know that I'm using that free time real productively.

I did submit my application to a Diagnostic Medical Sonography (fancy name for ultrasound) Program through Salt Lake Community College though which is exciting. I won't hear back about it until May or June, but if I get in that will be SWEET and I will embark on a two year journey this fall. I am taking the physics class and other class as pre-reqs for the program FYI.... just in case you thought I signed up for physics classes for fun. NAY.

So.....I started looking for work or volunteer opportunities here but most everything I've found is a misfit usually because they want a longer time commitment than two months (understandable) or because I'm not qualified or because I just choose not to work fast food. James is so kind to point out that I don't need to work more than my few piano lessons because with him working full-time and us moving soon it's not necessary, but since I'm not in school full time and I'm not raising children at home, I kind of feel weird being at home so much....and so tempted by Netflix. I feel like I want to be doing more, so I'm going to assign myself a project each week until we move and I will use my blog and you few faithful readers to hold me to doing those projects.

This week my project is to finish our "important documents binder." I have been wanting to do this for awhile now. I have the supplies but I just need to sit down and put things together. As organized as James and I are, we kind of just stuff all our important papers into bins or folders. I want all of them neatly tucked behind tabs labeled "medical," "identification," "apartment," "receipts," etc. We'll know exactly where to find things and if our house ever catches on fire we'll know what to grab...THE IMPORTANT DOCUMENT BINDER!! So anyway, by next Monday I commit to being done with this project. I sound like a missionary. Oh well.


  1. Did you know making organizational brainchilds like an important document binder is one of my favorite things to do? Much luck in that project this week!

  2. DON'T LEAVE!! okay. you can. since James new job will be so great for you guys. I'm so excited for you to see James everday! That will be awesome!

    Good idea to do a project per week!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just discovered your blog. Taylor showed me your recent post about your NYC trip (I dream about Shake shack sometimes...) and I love your posts! Both the content and your strong writing voice are wonderful! We don't really know each other but congratulations on all your upcoming adventures!
