Tuesday, December 31, 2013

JAM Christmas Card

This is the JAM (James and Aleisha McKean) Christmas Card slash blog post. After stuffing and addressing wedding invites in April and handwriting thank you cards from May until November, I am not about to send out Christmas cards. Lo siento todo.

We'll take this month by month and just hit on some highlights of our 2013.

  • James took me skiing for the first time in my life! I LOVED it...minus the part where I veered off course and picked up a lot of speed and didn't know how to stop and later cried about it. But really, it was one of the most memorable experiences (and Christmas gifts) of my life. My husband is so patient and wonderful.

  • James and I got engaged! Four years after our first date-the last weekend of February 2009-James proposed to me on the last weekend of February, 2013. And I would like to take this moment to brag that part of the proposal included him reading me a list of 100 things he loves about me.

  • James and I finally ran our first 5k together....something we've been talking about doing for years.

  • We went through the temple with my sister Shay.
  •  We spent Easter together.
  •  We took engagement pictures and had lots of wedding/bridal showers.

  • James turned 26! 
  • I met Elder Ballard for the first time! He was in James' ward growing up and we were so blessed to have him seal us, but before that we were able to meet with him in his office and that was so special.

  • I completed my last semester at BYU and walked, which interestingly enough was the afternoon of the day I met Elder Ballard.

  •  I became a McKean and James became a great husbandman! It was a beautiful day in May and temple square was covered in tulips and other brides. I slept in that morning, had a big breakfast, and after pictures on temple square James and I went to Cafe Rio and inhaled a couple salads. It was a perfect day. Then we went on a perfect honeymoon to Orlando, FL, a surprise which James revealed to me via printed PowerPoint presentation. Haha. The reception in CO was also perfect. So overall, perfect. Wouldn't have changed a thing.
  • I moved down to Houston and in with the mister. I started an internship with Halliburton's fitness facility and James started on a new work project in Michigan that lasted through the summer.
  • James taught me how to drive a stick shift. In Houston. Now I'm a master driver and slightly more aggressive and prone to road rage.
  • We returned to Utah for a wedding of our friends Mason and Laura and were also able to go through the temple with James' brother Michael before he left on his mission.
  • We decided to explore another city in Texas, and selected Corpus Christie to celebrate the 4th of July. Frisbee on the beach, an amazing Mediterranean restaurant, and a fascinating retired aircraft carrier that is now a museum made for an awesome getaway. And of course there were fireworks...just in case that sounds like a nontraditional celebration. 

  • I finished my internship and we flew to CO to spend Labor Day weekend with my family (but apparently we only take pictures of ourselves, because I have no pictures of us with my family that weekend.) We spent the next weekend in SLC with James' family..and technically both of those things happened in September. Oh well. Something happened in August.

  • I turned 25 and James took me to Imagine Dragons and Matt Nathanson/Joshua Radin concerts to celebrate! 

  •  We went to Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, AZ for an awesome work retreat with the company James works for. It made for grand adventure, delicious food, an incredible massage, and a memorable first General Conference weekend as a married couple.

  • We visited James' brother Jon and his wife Tricia and son Henry in Cincinnati, OH. It was so nice to see hills and fall colors and family!

  • We went to San Antonio for our first Thanksgiving together and had an incredible time strolling up and down the Riverwalk, visiting the Alamo, eating quail and salmon for Thanksgiving dinner, going to dinner with Billy, Christie, and Cole (James' brother and fam), and immersing ourselves in the lights and Mexican influence of the area. Loved it. Absolutely loved it.


  • We went to a fun and fancy Christmas party for James' work. I wore my prom dress from high school and we had edible flower pedals in our salad, so that was awesome.
  • We have spent the last several weeks with family in Utah! We've loved the snow, good food, games, and the birth of our first niece, Eva Kate Lyons! Christmas was spent talking with our missionary siblings, and New Years festivities included an extravagant and well-planned party by my wonderful father-in-law Bill.

I left out many things, but that sums up some major highlights of our year. James and I are so happy with where we're at and so excited for the adventures of 2014! We are grateful for health, family, and the wonderful gift of the Savior's birth which brings hope and meaning to this life. Happy Holidays ya'll!



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