Monday, August 19, 2013

I always said once I got married I would become a regular blogger.

Eh...I say a lot of things.

There is muchly to update ya'll on. First of all, I live in Texas now, because I got married and moved (wedding pics are on Facebook). And I don't say "ya'll"....yet...but it's growing on me.

Sometimes Houston looks like this:

Most of the time, though, it just looks like this:

Also I have a husband. And I think that's the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. Behold his cuteness:

James and I can't decide whether we love each other more than we love doughnuts...because we REALLY love doughnuts.

With no further ado, here are some delish lil tidbits of my life as of.....well, since I last blogged back in April.

The husband and I went on a honeymoon. That's English for "luna de miel..." in case you were wondering. We went to Orlando and it was the BEST! We took pictures, and some of them looked like this:

Yummiest of all the foods we tried. Shrimp and kielbasa and hot sauce and beans and me hace agua la boca....

 Fresh salmon, tomato, and basil pasta
An Argentine dish you say? Why yes, I must try it.

Oh yeah, and we were there too. Here are pictures of things other than food:

There were paddle boats to rent on the little lake outside of our time share.
Classic shot at Disneyland in front of the castle

We bought plenty of snacky snacks to make lunches each day.

Swings at the resort where we stayed.

Breakfast out on our lovely balcony.

Our favorite roller coaster!

Flipping whales, yo.
Posing with our pal.

Getting eaten by a shark. Nbd.

I love sugar.

That's not us.

That is.

Dinner one night.

Cocoa Beach

Aside from our honeymoon, we took two other quick trips. One was for Laura and Mason's wedding and it was lovely. It was especially nice just to remind ourselves that mountains and dry, breathable air still do exist, even if they don't exist in Texas. It was so good to see old roomies and family. We didn't take many pictures, and although we were out for the wedding, you can't necessarily tell from these pics:
I love my Brooke and Mary friends. We love our Laura too, but she was popular on the night of her wedding dinner.

This is my new favorite picture of us. Just sitting in the McKean front yard drinking in Utah air and mountains.

This is James' new favorite picture of us. I was a bridesmaid for the wedding and LOVED the outfits!!!!

We also took a little time off and a little trip to Corpus Christi for the 4th of July holiday.  We just wanted to investigate another part of this massive state we now live in, so we took a memorable adventure, which we called "the P.S. to our honeymoon."
A street art fair. James loved all the jewelry and skull art.

We finally went to WHATABURGER-Texas' "In n Out" I guess. And this is the original/first restaurant.

Down by the gulf just people-, boat-, and seagull-watching.


This dude looked like a banana. So I snapped a pic.

Awesome museum. Called the USS Lexington and it was a WWII aircraft carrier. So cool.

Hey James.

James borrowed my sunglasses the whole trip. :)



Yella plane.

We went to the beach, but the water in the Gulf of Mexico is pretty nast. And there were dead jellyfish washed up all over shore and it itched to get in the water. So we played near the water, threw a frisbee, and soaked up some sun.

We ate at this AMAZING Mediterranean place.

We ate this too. You probably don't care, but I take lots of pictures of food.

 And for those of you who are interested, or who are just scrolling are a few cool pictures from inside of the USS Lexington museum where we spent several hours:

Narrow stairways.

James wears his..MY.. sunglasses inside.

Just keeping my eye out for something...or saluting someone.

Close sleeping quarters.

Good movie.

Dining area.

Captain's quarters. How fancy.


Cafeteria. Super real food and real workers.



Anyway, it was cool to see how much was included in that ship.

But normally our life consists of James going out of town every Monday afternoon and getting home every Thursday night and then we party hard on the weekends. I just finished a 3-month internship in corporate wellness with a fitness center here and  really enjoyed it. I got to teach some cycling classes, design workouts, create bulletins and flyers, perform fitness assessments, and a few weeks ago I taught several workshops on corrective exercises.

I finished the last elective for my major online in a few months this summer and am now cruising through my last general class (an English class) like a turtle in quicksand. That is all that stands between me and being officially graduated. I think I can, I think I can.

I'm working with the cub scouts, taking charge of the ward RS volleyball team and have been substituting playing the piano in primary quite a bit. James is teaching gospel doctrine and he rocks at it.

Here are a few pictures of normal life:

(Please note what most of these pictures have in common...hahaha)

We went to a cooking class!!...and posed by the knives.

Cooked with mussels...and they were disgusting!!!

Went out for frozen yogurt at a place that has dividers for your cups!

James was so excited he poured his all down his shirt.

We had a cultural night at the church and tried a little food from everywhere.

Plus dessert.

And then sometimes we try to cook at home, and we call each other "Chef Aleisha" and "Chef James" because we're obsessed with the Food Network.

When we're not eating or doing a number of other things we go to the temple.

But then we come home and eat again. Our apartment complex puts on a brunch each month. We had poptarts, mini muffins, giant muffins, fruit, and juice. Oh yeah and a Honey Bun.
We went to a Houston Dynamo's soccer game, courtesy of James' job.

Loved the people sitting in front of us standing and waving flags so we couldn't see anything.

Yes please, the more flags the merrier. Wave them proud; there's no one sitting behind you!

I know it looks like a volcano, but it's a firework.
We went to the Houston Zoo and laughed at these fish eyes.

And these antlers, which I learned are actually longhorns.

And we're cool.

We had an indoor picnic just this last Friday when the torrential rainstorm tried to put a damper on our date plans.

And there you have a most remarkable update of our lives. I was going to post some pictures of the apartment, but I will save that for another post.....probably 5 months from now.


  1. I loved reading this and getting updated! Only problem: those aren't antlers, they're LONGHORNS. You're not a true Texan yet, but you're getting there. :) Love you guys!

    1. Haha I'm glad you liked it. And yes, I consider myself officially NOT Texan, but now I know the difference between antlers and longhorns. Thanks for edumacating me.

  2. I liked that whole long post, but the thing tat stood out to my mind in this fashion, "File for future comment" was this...Hey! I think we tried to watch pearl arbor in my college dorm room when you and Carina came from your bdays!

  3. (can you tell the h key doesn't work very good on my keyboard? sorry for the typos...)

    1. Hahaha. Yes, it's obviously that your "h" key is struggling. And yes!! I totally remember that! You guys were watching Pearl Harbor when Charina and I visited BYU for our 14th bdays. Holy. Good memory. Haven't seen the movie since then.
