Thursday, April 11, 2013

Hey guys! Remember how I have a blog? Probably not.....our memory doesn't go that far back.

I do have a blog, and I have a goal that once I am married I will blog more regularly because that's what married girls do, right? They blog away about how exciting their life is.

Well, I've got news for you, people! My life is exciting RIGHT NOW. And that is why I don't have time to blog about it! How about a few brief updates since I last October or November.

So Thanksgiving was lovely and Christmas break was amazing. I saw James for most of it both in CO and UT. For Christmas he gave me a "coupon" to teach me how to ski with a "handsome instructor named James F. McKean." I'd never been skiing before. I'm NOT a loser, I swear. So he took me and it was amazing fun and I veered off a green course onto a blue one and almost died and then cried like a little girl, but other than that....actually....including was perfect.

James and I decided over Christmas break that in 2013 we wanted to set the goal to be married and we needed each others' help with that. So we went ring shopping and all the fun began!

I saw him every second or third weekend for a few more weekends after that, and then on February 22nd, WE GOT ENGAGED! You probably knew that from facebook though. And you probably knew about it February 22nd so this is super duper old news to you. Go you.


More like GO US! James and I were busy with wedding plans this whole semester....the least of which included engagements with my awesome Aunt Natalie, who did a fabulous job and we had so much fun!


I'm about to wrap up an 18-credit semester. I worked 20 hours a week, and still made sure I made time for exercise and socializing. James has worked about....26 hours a day, but somehow still exercises and talks to me every night for a good while. It has been nutso. Wonderfully nutso trying to make time for everything.

So here are the coming weeks:

April 14-20: Last two days of classes, finals begin, and James moves into our apartment in Houston
April 21-27: Finish up finals, graduate college (well, walk....I technically don't graduate until August), and drive home to CO with the fam
April 28-May 4: Finish up final wedding plans in CO and drive back out to UT because that weekend we're getting MARRIED!
May 5-May11: Honeymoon (James won't tell me where we're going) and CO reception
May 12-May 19: Road trip down to TX and I move into our apt
May 20-May 27: I start an internship down in Houston with MediFit and start on my last two classes (through Independent Study so I can get my diploma in August) and James goes back to work.

And now that I've updated you through the end of May.....don't expect another blog post for a while....hehehe.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy your life is so good. :) It gets even better when all that stupid wedding ridiculousness is over and actual marriage begins, imho. :D
