Sunday, November 4, 2012

Last weekend (Oct. 26-28) I went to Texas, ya'll. And I did not want to come back home. Mainly because of THIS GUY, but also because I left all of my responsibilities and homework in Utah!

Doesn't James look dashing in this pink shirt? I'll take credit for that....
This picture was taken after we went to James' awesome work party in a mansion home on Friday night. The "mansion" used to be owned by an NBA player and looked and felt more like a museum than a home. There was a shark in the pool in the backyard, and even though I never saw it move I know it was real. They had a name tag especially for lil ol' me, everyone was dressed up, horderves were served (shrimp, stuffed mushrooms, fancy thangs), and everyone had a wine glass in hand (well, most everyone). The new guys were introduced, and James was introduced as the smartest new BA this year. He probably doesn't like that I put that, but it's probably true, so oh well. Dinner was awesome: steak, chicken, fish, eggplant, crabcakes, salads, asparagus, green beans, and then later came dessert: cake, brownies, and creme brulee. I really liked the people James works with; they're all very down to earth and personable, and it was nice to get a glimpse into his new life in Houston. It's easy to see why he's happy there. :)

The rest of the weekend was much more laid back. And that was perfect. It went too fast though.
He showed me his office! It's on the 26th floor and the view is awesome, minus the no-mountains part. When I asked James where the mountains were he said "they knocked them down for other things." I do not like the flatness of Texas.

Random walking lady took our picture. She almost didn't know how to use it because it's a camera and not an iphone.

I posed exactly the way that sign is telling me not to pose for a picture. Such a rebel.

This is personally my favorite. I love parks. and James. and not coming home. But I did.

Oh, and I would post the picture of us when we went out to dinner at the Cheesecake Factory, but the waiter.....kind of caught us by surprise and we both look....well, bad, for lack of a better word.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I agree, tx has a serious abundance of flat land and a serious lack of mountains, but it does have nice warm weather right now! You and james both look great!
