Monday, January 11, 2016

Ten months of Grace

Grace had her golden-month birthday (that's probably not a thing) yesterday, Jan 10! I know I say this every month, but she is at her funnest stage yet. She is a crazy hoot as evidenced by this smorgasbord of pictures. That's right, no official 10-mo "photo shoot," if you can even call my monthly updates such a thing. She's just too busy, so I collected a few goodies from recent days:

I wish you all could fully appreciate all the ruffles that make up this outfit. Mm mm mm.....

James LOVES Grace's sleepy face. Grace LOVES standing herself up precariously next to the sharp-edged corner of the TV stand.

She is totally digging the big girl food.

Yes, I just posted this on instagram, but let's be honest, seeing this expression is good for your soul.
Some (pineapply tidbits) about our little lady:

  • Like I said, she is standing up on EVERYTHING: couches, chairs, TV stands, drawers, cupboards, the dishwasher, the trash can (muy precarioso), changing table, our legs, her crib, you name it.
  • And she crawls everywhere. I'm talking weaving in and out of chair legs, around the end tables into the corners, and she tries to get between the wall and the washer but luckily she doesn't fit.
  • She's ticklish, if you couldn't tell. And I'm in heaven tickling her to my heart's desire since James is strong enough to stop me from tickling him. Yeah, he's way ticklish. No, this isn't an update on James.
  • She's has tried/is trying lots of new foods. A few include: avocadoes, tomatoes, pasta, bananas, bread, raisins, mixed veggies, cucumbers, yogurt, cheddar puffs, Ritz crackers, yogurt melts, and ICE CREAM. She loves ice cream. We'll keep her.
  • I can't forget to mention that she ALWAYS wants our food too, even after she's just eaten herself sick. Last week she shared pizza, fajitas, greek cous cous, and cold cereal with me Rather, I shared all that with her. 
  • She is giving kisses. Mostly to James. Mostly open-mouthed, slobbery, and noisy, but 100% adorable.
  • She laughs, smiles, and screetches SO much. She laughs for no reason except that she likes laughing. She smiles and cruises toward us when we come home. And she screetches to hear herself and when she is demanding more food. And most of the time she is in her hyper state when she's alone with James and I. Everyone else still thinks she's Little Miss Serious.
  • She is thoroughly enjoying getting into everything now that she is crazy fast, mobile, and surprisingly coordinated. She has a fascination with doors and hinges, but she's also captivated by the trash can, the dishwasher, my rack of shoes, James' mandolin, pulling books off the all shelves, the toilet, scale, plunger, fingernail clippers, and her thermometer. Ya know, basically anything that doesn't come out of her basket of toys. Haha. I am expending many more calories as of late just chasing her around. 
  • She is enjoying TV which is kind of fun (should I be excited about that?) so we watch Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood every morning and then I sing it all day erry day because that song never gets out of your head.
  • She grinds her four baby teeth. Most terrible sound in the world.
  • That's right-two more teeth. Up top. She luhs them.
  • It has become nearly impossible to change her diaper and get her in pajamas. We call it wrestling an alligator. I'm sure that would be easier than wrestling Grace.
  • While she still loves me, she doesn't favor me quite as much. She'll reach for James and Grandma and others...which is nice and a little sad.
I go back to clinicals tomorrow and writing this makes me realize how much I'll miss her. So grateful we had a few weeks off to enjoy all these new and exciting changes. We love Gracie!

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