Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Nine months of Grace

Grace is officially nine months old (on Dec.10) and I am officially done trying to take pictures of her sitting in our glider or laying still on a blanket, because she keeps trying to dive off or roll over.

Aka...Gracezilla has entered her crazy mobile stage, which I hear ends......never. Now you understand why all of the best pictures of her are when she is somehow restrained (car seat, high chair, shopping cart, etc) Also, I couldn't limit myself to three, so enjoy.

This has been a favorite toy of late. Until it exploded into a million tiny Reeses Pieces (see how I did that?) all over the floor.

This picture epitomizes Grace right now. Constantly hyper and showing off her bottom teeth.

Baby attitude. Showing off her teeth again.

A tad blurry, but is that not the cutest face?

My little shopping pal

I held off on posting this until today because I wanted to wait until after her 9-month well check. The numbers are in, so here's Gracie Facie's update:

  • At 18 lbs 11 oz Grace is in the 50th+ percentile for weight
  • Coming in at 27.5 in, she lands in the 45th percentile for height/length/whatevs they say
  • And still ranking among the larger brains (haha), she is in the 90th percentile for head circumference
  • She is crawling everywhere. And FAST. In fact, today while in the kitchen I turned around to check on her in the living room, but she had quietly and rapidly crawled over and was perched right behind me. Scared me to death. 
  • Speaking of crawling, she follows me around from room to room and usually props her hands on my legs meaning she wants me to hold her.
  • She sits back on her heels like she's made of rubber. 
  • Since she usually wants to be by me, she plays with the spice containers in the kitchen, the scale in the bathroom, everything breakable in the living room....
  • She is standing herself up against our magazine basket, the couch, our rocking footstool/glider ottoman (this is hazardous to her and nerve-wracking to us), the balcony door, errythang.
  • As mentioned above, she loves her two bottom teeth, although she loves them mostly for chewing on books and tags, and has little interest in actually using them to chew food.
  • She is cutting at least two more teeth currently and has seriously been a gem. We didn't even notice until yesterday because she is just so pleasant most of the time.
  • She babbles, jabbers, spits, blows bubbles, and constantly crawls around muttering "mama," and even though she doesn't know what she's saying, it's music to my ears.
  • She scratches like a cat.
  • She has learned to spit and spray her baby food. Oh the joy.
  • She makes this hilarious underbite face where she shows off her bottom teeth and just shakes her head back and forth like a wild child.
  • She has lost interest in her binky except when it's time to sleep.
  • She isn't too stoked about table food. Sometimes she likes bites of banana and bread, but mostly she doesn't. We'll work on that.
  • She is more giggly and playful with us and people she's comfortable with, although others still think she's just a serious, observant baby.
  • She loves using her pointer finger to feel things.
  • She is giving lots of open-mouthed, slobbery kisses these days.
  • She is making it impossible to get anything out of church.
  • She is curious, intelligent, coordinated, and beautiful. 

I've decided that 9 months is the best age..... just like 8 months was the best age, and so was 7 months and 6 months and basically every month except the first two weeks. Haha. But even those are pretty good too.

 We can't wait for baby Grace's first Christmas, and she can't wait to watch the Vegas Bowl game in her Y onesie. ;) She's the sweetest little spitting, babbling, stinky ray of sunshine and we love her the most.


  1. She is my beautiful friend. I love her! I can't wait to see her in real life. And I just laughed through all of those milestone progressions. They are truth! Especially the rubber knee sitting. It still makes my ACL/MCL/PCLs ache. haha

    1. Haha. Those green baby bones. Sorry we still haven't skyped. I guess I didn't have as much free time as I anticipated, but I am totally looking forward to hanging out with you in Utah soon!
