Sunday, November 2, 2014

Absolute Truth


The messages shared during General Conference are for all of us, but oftentimes a particular talk or theme throughout several talks is perfect for an individual that may not be watching conference. That same individual also might not take the time to look up the talk afterwards.

As I listened to conference this last month SEVERAL people came to my mind as needing to hear a very obvious theme of conference, the theme of receiving and maintaining a personal testimony of the absolute truth. I don't know if the people I thought of were listening to conference, but I do know there's a chance they will read my blog and I hope it does something for them. I hope it encourages them to look up the talks I will reference. I hope it encourages them to reevaluate their testimonies. I hope it strengthens their faith in some way.

But as I said, the messages shared during conference are for all of us, so this post is also just for anyone who needs it.


I have noticed-particularly since arriving home from my mission a few years ago-the number of members falling away from the church because of unresolved doubts and questions, differing political opinions, offense, and the influence of other members who have previously fallen away. The only thing that can keep any of these people in the church is a personal testimony that they find themselves and hold onto by their own effort.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is led by leaders called of and inspired by God. They are aware that members are losing their faith and falling away and addressed it most emphatically in General Conference last month. Their addressing this topic means God is concerned for me and you and any of us who have lost or who are close to losing our testimonies.

Below I have touched on a few of the talks that stood out to me and the important truths and take-aways I have extracted from them. To comprehend the full context I encourage you to look up the talk on


1. While God is loving and merciful, He is also demanding and just. If we think we can simply "do what we want" and He will excuse it, we do not understand His true character.

"A God who makes no demands is the functional equivalent of a God who does not exist.  A world without God, the living God who establishes moral laws to govern and perfect His children, is also a world without ultimate truth or justice.  It is a world where moral relativism reigns supreme."

2. God is not coercive and His church is not designed to feel that way. 

"God will not act to make us something we do not choose by our actions to become.  Truly He loves us, and because He loves us, He neither compels nor abandons us.  Rather He helps and guides us.  Indeed, the real manifestation of God's love is His commandments."

3. Many claim that truth is relative or individual. That is not reality.  Truth is absolute whether one chooses to believe it or not. 

"To those who believe anything or everything could be true, the declaration of objective, fixed, and universal truth feels like coercion...But that does not change reality.  Resenting the law of gravity won't keep a person from falling if he steps off a cliff.  The same is true for eternal law and justice.  Freedom comes not from resisting it but from applying it.  That is fundamental to God's own power.  If it were not for the reality of fixed and immutable truths, the gift of agency would be meaningless since we would never be able to foresee and intend the consequences of our actions."


1. Don't leave the church because of questions; stay in the church because of what you already know.

"As I have known people who have not stayed in the boat and have not held on with both hands during times of trials and troubles or who have not stayed in the boat during times of relative calm, I have observed that many of them have lost their focus on the central truths of the gospel-the reasons why they joined the Church in the first place; the reasons they remained fully committed and active in living gospel standards and blessing others through dedicated, consecrated service; and the ways in which the Church has been in their lives "a place of spiritual nourishment and growth."

"Sometimes faithful Latter-day Saints and sincere investigators begin to focus on the "appendages" instead of on the fundamental principles.  That is, Satan tempts us to become distracted from the simple and clear message of the restored gospel.  Those so distracted often give up partaking of the sacrament because they have become focused, even preoccupied, with less important practices or teachings."


1. There is no other way to discover and receive truth than from God, from personal revelation through the Spirit.

"We all know that human judgment and logical thinking will not be enough to get answers to the questions that matter most in life.  We need revelation from God.  And we will need not just one revelation in a time of stress, but we need a constantly renewed stream.  We need not just one flash of light and comfort, but we need the continuing blessing of communication with God."


1. There is no other way to discover and receive truth than from God, from personal revelation through the Spirit.

"Learning for ourselves that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is true can be one of the greatest and most joyful experiences in life.  We may have to begin by relying on the testimonies of others.  This is a good place to start, but we must build from there.  To be strong in living the gospel, there is nothing more important than receiving and strengthening our own testimony.  We must be able to declare, as Alma did, "I know these things of myself."


1. Seek for truth in the RIGHT places in the RIGHT way. That is as follows:

"My dear friends, here is a fairly straightforward experiment, with a guarantee from God, found in a book of ancient scripture available to every man, woman, and child willing to put it to the test:

First, you must search the word of God.  That means reading the scriptures and studying the words of the ancient as well as modern prophets regarding the restored gospel of Jesus Christ-not with an intent to doubt or criticize but with a sincere desire to discover truth.  Ponder upon the things you will feel, and prepare your minds to receive the truth.  "Even if ye can no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you...that ye can give place for [the word of God]."

Second, you must consider, ponder, fearlessly strive to believe, and be grateful for how merciful the Lord has been to His children from the time of Adam to our day by providing prophets, seers, and revelators to lead His Church and help us find the way back to Him.

Third, you must ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ, to manifest the truth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints unto you.  Ask with a sincere heart and with real intent, having faith in Christ.

There is a fourth step, given to us by the Savior: "If any man will do [God's] will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself."  In other words, when you are trying to verify the truth of gospel principles, you just first live them.  Put gospel doctrine and Church teachings to the test in your own life."

2. Once we make certain wrong decisions of course we look back on the Church thinking our belief was foolish or naive. This is not because hindsight is 20/20 but because we have lost the Spirit.

"If we remove ourselves from the light of the gospel, our own light begins to dim-not in a day or a week but gradually over time-until we look back and can't quite understand why we had ever believed the gospel was true.  Our previous knowledge might even seem foolish to us because what once was so clear has again become blurred, hazy, and distant."


It is my testimony that if you are currently doubting the truthfulness of the Church, it isn't because it isn't true or because it isn't true for you; it is because you have not put forth the necessary effort to receive and MAINTAIN that confirmation for yourself.  It is available to anyone who sincerely desires to know truth and is not forced on anyone. If you want to know if the Church is really true don't leave it to see if there's something better or if you're happier without it-first try LIVING the truth taught within the Church wholeheartedly and find out FOR YOURSELF the easier way.

While I am absolutely certain that asking questions is good and desired by God, I believe that leaving the church because of questions is cowardly while staying in the church because of truths we understand is admirable.  I cannot perfectly explain why women cannot hold the priesthood or why wonderful people who are gay or lesbian and want to live that lifestyle cannot simultaneously keep the commandments, but I will never leave the church over it. Because I DO KNOW that God is perfect, I know that He loves women as much as men and He loves those who are gay or lesbian as much as any heterosexual. I know that His plan is perfect and designed for ALL his children. I cannot give up the truth I do know for the questions that are waiting to be answered in the hereafter.

I believe that it is not worth losing the blessings of the gospel because someone offended us or because someone we loved who once believed now no longer does. We cannot be flimsy or flighty in our faith because of how others have unwisely used their agency.  If you were born into the Church or found the Church later in life you are among the privileged few in the world to possess absolute truth, so don't let it go in exchange for a lesser life of relative truth and confusion. 

The leaders and members of the Church are not perfect and never will be in this life. Political and moral issues will get progressively more complex and controversial, people will undoubtedly offend and disappoint us, we will feel disillusioned when those we once looked to as stalwart examples leave the church, but we don't have to follow suit. 

This is the great test of LIFE: can we recognize the truth for what it is and abide by it until we do have all the answers? We walk by faith, and I have faith that God knows what He is doing in His true church-the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Thank God for General Conference.


  1. This is an incredible post. I hope someone who has questions is touched by it. I totally caught the same theme in Conference. It made me want to do an even better job of being more firm in my testimony and conviction. 20 years ago when the Proclamation was issued, we all thought it was kind of "duh." Now look where we are. It makes me wonder if 20 years from now, something that is a "duh" now might be MY question and struggle.

    President Eyring's talk about confirming revelation really struck me as important in that concern. I need to be seeking confirming revelation now, even about the "duh" things. If I end up having a related struggle years from now, I will already have the witness of the Spirit that I cannot deny, instead of losing it because I never gave it a second thought.

    I think it's so important to listen to prophets now, because they know better than I do what is coming down the road. I noticed several talks mentioning personal testimonies of the Prophet Joseph Smith as well. Makes me wonder if something is coming that will make my testimony of the Restoration even more crucial than it is now.

    Sorry this is such a long comment. Your post just got me so excited. I'm so glad you feel the same way as I do, and you're much more eloquent in expressing it than I am. Thank you so much for posting. This was a strength to me today. Hope you're doing well.

  2. Thanks for your post Aleisha. I love what you said about receiving and MAINTAINING a testimony. We can build our house upon a rock, but if we don't keep up with the day-to-day repairs on that house, it can still be shaken when storms come.

    My faith is strongest when I am working to keep it strong by praying sincerely, studying my scriptures daily, searching in the right places for answers to my questions, attending the temple, etc.

    Your post gave me some good things to think about. Thanks friend :)
