Sunday, October 20, 2013

James and I have had some mega fun recently.....starting with my birthday. I'm 25! Yikes! It was sad when we stopped by the store to grab some candles and the box only held 24. Sad face. And when I say we had mega fun I'm talkin' CHURCH, SPAGHETTI, and a SUNDAY NAP. Oh yeah. We're wild and crazy. For my birthday James surprised me with tickets to two concerts: Imagine Dragons and Joshua Radin/Matt Nathanson!! He's the best. :)

It was around that time (few days before my birthday) that James' last work project ended, so he was home for my birthday weekend....and then for THREE WHOLE WEEKS after that!! Most people might think that's not a big deal. Most people would be wrong. It's a rul big dill in the consulting world. So that was the best of all birthday gifts. When James is between work projects he's "on the beach" (aka working from el sofa). This is what James looks like working on the beach:

He would periodically turn up some music and clap his hands together like he was at a himself. That boy was happy to have some beach time and I was happier to have him around.

The Imagine Dragons concert was in the Woodlands-a gorgeous area north of Houston. We spread out a blanket in the grass and played Uno and fruit ninja until the concert began. James I'm sure would like it if I mentioned that he severely trounced me in both games.

Holy chipotle chicken pasta and garlic bread deliciousness.

At the next concert two weeks later Joshua Radin was AWESOME and Matt Nathanson was not quite as awesome. Also he shook his bum and wiggled his hips like a little girl. James and I were laughing imagining him practicing his moves in front of the mirror.

Joshua Radin

Joshua Radin
Matt Nathanson
Matt Nathanson

Matt Nathanson

Here are some video tidbits: I know it sounds better if you just turn on your ipad, but hey folks-we was there in real life and that was cool. These concerts make concerts number 7 and 8 for me I think. 
(Imgaine Dragons, Joshua Radin, Matt Nathanson)


I know I know! Joshua Radin is the best....

Between those two concerts we went to Scottsdale, Arizona for an awesome work retreat. It was PERFECT. It was at a Marriott resort and I've never felt so pampered. It started off with endless guacamole and chips. That alone would have kept me happy all weekend, but on top of that we had a comfy room, endless drinks (in Mormon language that translates to smoothies :)), a pool, fitness center, spa, delicious meals, and some sweet activities.

Just a light breakfast of every kind of fruit, bacon, eggs, potatoes, and a chocolate-filled pastry

And for lunch....yeah, I'll just take some of...EVERYTHING

On Thursday we tried out the gym. The treadmills had their own built-in fans and TVs, refrigerated towels and free headphones. We had a big western dinner and afterwards James rode a mechanical bull and rocked it.

On Friday James and I went on a river float and I got a full body massage. Holy heaven. After dinner and the dessert reception that night we went to the jacuzzi with our friends the Whitlocks and Nelsons.

On Saturday we went repelling. James was braver than me because he went off the big rock. I just went down the shorter rock over and over again, each time getting faster. We definitely could have gotten some cooler pictures, but it's so inconvenient sometimes.
See that tiny yellow speck? Yeah, that's me haha.

I especially like this picture ;)

With our friends Rachel Whitlock and Katrina and Kyle Nelson. Jeff Whitlock was going off the huge rock for the second time so he missed the pic.

Then we tried 9 different smoothies by the poolside. SOOO YUMMY!


We had a fancy "white party" Saturday night complete with the strangest entertainment of two guys building a giant ice guitar. Strange but cool. And the music group of four girls that played during dinner apparently played at the London Olympics. They were awesome.

This was called a "s'more." Little bit fancy and flipping fantastic!
Behold the ice guitar
And the music ladies
And everything else that is white...

And all the white people (not a racial slur)

And now we're back to real life again. James is off the beach and flying to Columbus, Ohio each week for a new project and I'm manning the fort at home like I do.....killing the cockroaches like a fearless warrior and making sure everyone gets fed. Everyone=me.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my heck! Sounds like you had a fantastic Birthday and Arizona fun! Smoothies all around! What could be better than that?! I didn't know James is in consulting! I'd really love to talk to you about that sometime... Daniel is doing is MBA and hoping/planning/good chance that he will do consulting as well. When is a good time to call? Maybe you can FB message me or something and we can chit chat about married life-texas-holding down the fort-wife of consultant stuff.
