Monday, August 10, 2015

Five months of Grace

I'm so grateful Grace is ours forever, because every month she just gets exponentially cuter! I'm sure that might change around puberty, but up until now it has proved to be true.

She is 5 months old today!

Her adorable outfit is brought to you by Morgan and Eliza, who gifted it to us just a few weeks ago and the timing couldn't have been more perfect! It's a 3-mo-old outfit but it fits her wee body and it's short and revealing in all the right places. She wears these shorts all the time now because they show off where da chub at: her legs. Yummy yummy baby thighs.

Okay anyway, here are all the wonderful tidbits of sweet Gracie girl these days:

  • She can pick up and put her own binky in her mouth. Sometimes it's backwards but sometimes it's not.
  • She can roll over, although she's a bit reserved about it and she definitely has an easier time with the right side. Today, though, she's rolled over more than ever before. A few times I've looked at her and been like "what the?! You were on your back until I turned around for a second!" She's sneaky like that.
  • She can hold up her own bottle, which is very convenient at times
  • She is WAY more smiley and is giving us some giggles
  • She is more responsive to her name
  • Her arms are outstretched and she shakes when she's really anxious to eat
  • She usually gets really smiley and playful when we lay her down for bed which makes it so hard to just turn the lights out and close the door
  • She grabs at our bowls, plates, cups, and bottles, and seems especially aware of ice cream
  • She cries when we're playing with her and then walk away
  • Her favorite toy currently is the pouch of wet wipes
  • She still sleeps through the night but she throws her legs around and whines so she's a little disruptive haha
  • She sticks out her tongue and blows bubbles
  • She is just incredibly observant everywhere she goes
  • When sitting in her bouncer chair she fully extends her legs and then rolls both her ankles in circles
  • She loves to suck on her toes
  • She tried solids twice (rice cereal) and maybe kind of swallowed a bite or two. It wasn't a big success.
  • She loves to go outside. Sometimes it is the only thing that will soothe her.
  • She has tried out swimming and decided she's a fan.
  • She went on her first flight and decided to have a meltdown when the plane stopped taxing, but other than that she was swell
  • She jabbers, grunts and squeals a lot, especially in her car seat
  • Sometimes she gets SO excited and screeches around active babies and little kids
  • She sticks all blankets and spit rags in her mouth and she tries to eat everyone's fingers
  • She has outgrown her bathtub but loves taking showers 
  • She has started rubbing her eyes when sleepy
  • She got her first cold about three weeks ago and is still recovering a little. We love her cute little cough but not her hacking and stuffy nose in the middle of the night. She has remained pretty pleasant despite not feeling well.
She is such a cute face and we cannot ever stop kissing her. We feel so lucky. :)

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