Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Two months of Grace

On Mother's Day Grace hit two months!

This little pink hoody is one of our favorite things she wears. We're so sad she's growing out of it!

Here are the tidbits:
  • She weighs 10 lbs, 13 oz placing her in around the 40th percentile for weight
  • She is 22.8 in long, placing her in the 50th percentile for length
  • She is in the 70th percentile for head circumference
  • She is in the 100th percentile for cuteness (James wanted me to make sure I mentioned that)
  • Her chunky thighs and Buddha belly have kicked her out of newborn clothes and into many 3-month clothes
  • She is smiling-mostly when she's on the changing table-but sometimes when we tell her nice things
  • She is starting to coo and babble
  • She loves to lay out and stretch and yell at the ceiling fan
  • Her neck and legs are very strong (according to the doc, her progress is about where most 4-month-old babies are at)
  • She enjoys sitting up in our laps
  • She is definitely social and is often calmed by just being with me in the kitchen or bathroom as I clean and get ready
  • She consistently sleeps about a 6-hr stretch at night
  • She often wants her hands up around her bottle and can sometimes hold it in place for a few seconds
  • She has started grabbing my hair VERY tightly
  • She sticks her tongue out all the time and loves to watch James stick his out
  • She is still captivated by lights and windows everywhere
  • She is quickly learning to "self soothe" (aka cry herself to sleep)
  • She has officially been to three hours of church and was an angel (who am I kidding...a Mother's Day miracle)
  • She often holds her binky in place when she's super sleepy in the mornings
  • The McKeans think she looks like a Lyons baby and the Lyons think she looks like a McKean haha
  • She's still a snuggly, cuddly bug
We (understandably) are increasingly more in love and more attached to her. Mother's Day was so special for me this year because of my beautiful little friend who I REALLY am not looking forward to missing 24 hrs/wk for clinicals this summer starting next week. I'll have to make all the hours I'm with her really count.


  1. So cute! She sounds like a smart baby too! We need to get these baby friends together!

  2. She is such a beauty!! I want to hold her cuteness! Give her a kiss from me. :)
