Monday, March 31, 2014

A bit o' spring cleaning.

Oh dang, my project this past week proved to be very time consuming. Also, I LOVED IT! I love to clean and organize. This week I sorted through:

-all the clothes hanging in my closet
-all the clothes in boxes or suitcases in my closet
-all the clothes in my drawers
-everything in the bathroom (make up, medicine, jewelry, you name it)
-our game/coat closet
-our bookshelf

Once I get started it's hard to shut me down. It's funny though, because James was all excited about "purging" his closet of the things he never wears and condensing the number of things we have to pack when we move. First of all, James is somewhat of a minimalist to begin with. Secondly, his purging lasted all of 10 minutes. I asked him if I could look through all the clothes he was getting rid of before he bagged them so that I could either 1) beg him to keep it and wear it if I loved it, 2) wear it myself (like his T-shirts that have sentimental value) or 3)"sew it into the T-shirt quilt I'm making" that is actually just in scraps in a basket and has been for months. I then asked James if he wanted to look through the clothes I was getting rid of (ya know, in case he places some sentimental value on one of my shirts). He said no.

Haha.... men and women.

I spent hours pulling things off hangers and out of drawers like "yeah, let's DO THIS! I don't need this. I haven't worn it in years. It's falling apart. I've had this since my senior year of high school." That attitude often quickly morphed into "well maybe when the weather changes I will want to wear it sometime. And maybe my feet will grow one size one day when I'm pregnant and then these boots will fit right." You can see why it took me so long. I will admit, I am a bit of a pack rat and extremely nostalgic and sentimental. I've written over two dozen there's this inherent "save this just because....." tendency within me...about EVERYTHING. But, as any of my roommates or husbands will attest, I am also a very organized person. My closet is and always has been color coordinated. Yay me. Woot.

Needless to say, I got rid of many things in those few hours, but I hung a few things back up.  I should have taken some "before" pictures but instead I just took a few of the "afters," and here's what you get:

"Super cool picture of black trash bags, Aleisha. So glad I'm reading this exciting blog."

This is kind of a big deal.

You can especially tell by this pic that I'm learning absolutely nothing in the lil photography class I'm in right now. (No fault of of the teachers, however.)

So it felt really nice to get my stuffs in order this past week. Ridding myself of expired medicines and free make up from my mission really made me feel like a new person. Haha. It was SUPER HIGH TIME.

This week my project is to FIND US A NEW HOME IN UTAH! Not sure why I'm yelling everything in this post. Must be from the excitement of organizing our whole apartment.

No, James and I are not buying when we move to Utah; we'll be renting for the next 4 years at least. But, we've narrowed down our preferences for town homes (mostly in the Draper area) and this week I'll set up appointments with the peeps who own them, fly to Utah, and my lovely mother-in-law will accompany me all day Friday as I try shoot for decisiveness rather than ambivalence in my quest for a nice kitchen (my "must") and a location on the east side of the freeway (James's "must"). Tally ho!


  1. I just tried to post a comment and it was wonderful and then I magically deleted it before I could submit it. Gnarrrrrr. Here's the basics. You are great. You are wonderful. You are also very clean and organized. And I want to organize everything I own now.

    1. Haha. Gnarrr. Thanks. You are also wonderful. And now is probably the perfect time to organize your house since you're taking it all out of boxes!
