Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Eleven months of Grace

We all have our New Year's resolutions. Even Grace. I'm convinced that she decided after spending the majority of 2015 as an unusually serious baby with furrowed brows that she would try her best in 2016 to charm us with her newly discovered laugh and smile. As though we're not already charmed. She is the light of our lives and every month gets better.

Showing off her baby Nikes. Thanks, Tyler and Mandy :)

This is after she ate half my plate of spaghetti.

What? Sometimes/all times they're more entertained by things that aren't toys. Don't judge.

At Grandma and Grandpa McKean's house she turns into Gracezilla and devours all the townspeople.

Here are some pineappley tidbits about what miss Grace Elizabeth is up to these days:

  • As mentioned, she has just started this scrunchy-nosed, squinty-eyed smile, often accompanied by an almost forced laugh. She practices all the time.
  • She is dancing and it is hysterical. It normally involves wide eyes, jutting out her (three) lower teeth, bouncing on her knees until she loses her balance, and flailing her arms.
  • She is also totally into nodding her head. Don't know where she picked it up, if she has any idea what it means, or if it's just a constant dance move. Whatever it is, it is also hysterical.
  • She is the master eater of things that I wouldn't expect a baby to eat. And by that I mean SPICES!. She gobbles up my fajitas, spanish rice, seasoned potatoes, spaghetti, pizza, cajun chicken, you name it. The more cumin and chili powder the better! She is also currently in love with canned peaches and chocolate.....not that we've given her much...just sometimes chocolate ice cream when she wakes up at midnight and we welcome her to our late-night party.
  • She is standing against everything, walking along furniture, and finding herself accidentally standing on her own for a second or two until she panics and cautiously lowers herself to the ground.
  • Her favorite toys are my phone and the remotes.
  • She is all sorts of defiant and knows what she's doing when she lifts her bites of food high up in the air, reaches her hand over her tray, and drops it to the ground. Or she stuffs it in her bib pocket or on the side of her pants in her chair. I usually get frustrated or I laugh. Both of which are reactions she likes, neither of which will stop her.
  • She is cutting her 5th and 6th teeth currently, both up top. Joy of joys.
  • She can pull her headbands off and she does. And that makes me sad.
  • She can pull her socks and shoes off and she does. And that also makes me sad.
  • Grandma McKean taught her to raise both hands in the air when we say "Sooo big."
  • She gets the biggest smile on her face whenever she hears the theme song for Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood.
  • We've heard several people say this past month that they're seeing more of James in her. Whether that's because her hair is lightening up or because she's still got those beautiful blue (gray?) eyes I'm not sure. But she's the cutest.