Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Four months of Grace

Grace hit her 4-month mark on Friday and I can't believe how much she has changed and is changing at this age!

Don't be deceived-she usually is not this pleasant during tummy time.

She's so wiggly she's got some blurred limbs, but how can I not post this smile?

Four-month-old Grace:

  • Weighs in at 13.5 lbs, 30th percentile
  • Is 24 inches long, also 30th percentile
  • Has a head circumference of 16.22 inches, 70th percentile
  • Smiles so much more than she used to, especially when she wakes up and especially at men
  • Is laughing a little and trying to laugh more
  • Almost always prefers standing (not on her own of course) to any other position
  • Gets closest to laughing/really excited when we stand her up after we change her diaper
  • Constantly sucks on her hands and prefers both at the same time
  • Carefully observes and envies all the food she sees people eating
  • Is so playful and social and always wants to be entertained
  • LOVES being outside
  • Still does her hilarious fake sneezes
  • Has jabbering conversations with people she really likes (often that's James)
  • Eats so much more quickly
  • Screams and squeals and squirms when we try to burp her
  • Hardly ever cries herself to sleep. She just lays there wide awake smiling and then falls asleep on her own.
  • Sleeps 10 solid hours every night
  • Has outgrown her bassinet for sleeping
  • Is more alert and difficult at church
  • Grunts for no apparent reason ALL the time
  • Can often hold her bottle
  • Sucks on blankets and spit rags constantly
  • Pushes her binkies out with her tongue
  • Sucks on her tongue and bottom lip
  • Has started drooling some
  • Is a merciless hair-puller
  • Likes to sit up in her little frog chair and watch me in the kitchen....basically a bumbo chair
  • Enjoys being kissed all over her face...evidenced by the tongue hanging out, the panting, and the stillness
She is so sweet and the love of our lives. We are having so much fun watching our little bug grow up.