Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Ode to the BYU years

I have been waiting a looong time to write this blog post because it has taken me what feels like a looong time to graduate. Please allow me to take a minute of your time and several of my own to reminisce on my college days at BYU.

Let's start with preschool.

(It's okay if that line just killed what little interest you had in reading further.)

When I was in preschool I made a bookmark that said "BYU." Yeah, I was a pretty ambitious, goal-setting lil preschooler child.

At the end of middle school my best friend Charina and I flew out to Utah to stay with her sister CJ at BYU for a night or two. It was amazing. I remember having two distinct thoughts about that experience:

1. It's so awesome that they can just go bowling and party any and every night of the week in college and they don't have to consult their parents!
2. I'm in 8th grade. I still have all of this year and then all of high school before I can come here!

Later when I applied to colleges there was only one I planned to apply for. I think I applied for BYU-I as well because Dad said I had to and because it was like one extra click of a button or something. I was sad to leave home-the oldest of five and the first one to break up the Lyons Den-but excited out of my mind to be a college coed. :)

(I obviously can't capture years of college life in one blog post, and I've lost a lot of pictures saved on now-dead laptops, but here's quite a meaty recap just the same.)


I lived in the dorms at Helaman Halls. Signed up for a random roommate and ended up with the one and only Claire Plimpton, who that year went by the name "Clarence Pimptown." Claire turned out to be not only one of the most amazing people I've ever met but also one of my best friends.  After initially convincing me over emails during the summer that her dad worked for the FBI and she was currently living in Africa learning some strange language.....we got to know the truth about each other the first night in the dorms. We stayed up until 3 a.m. talking and hiked the Y at 7 the next morning. Welcome to my sleep schedule for the entire year.

The ward was convinced Claire and I were related. If I had a nickel for every non-relative I look "totally related to" I'd have a pretty pile o' nickels. I guess I just have one of those faces....not unique...cookie cutter...I digress. We did look alike though, I have to admit. We gave each other piggy back rides everywhere. I slept 3-4 hours a night, worked 20 hours/week, and took naps on campus between every class either on grassy hills or bathroom couches. Lots of times I took unintentional naps through my classes. I made friends with Cassi-face, Bryce-face, and Dave-face working at BYU vending. We basically formed a club called "Aleisha the freshy makes everyone shirts and shares her meal plan money." Drove a pick-up truck on the sidewalks at campus for that job and despite all the food I ate with my Dining Plus meal plan I inhaled the yummy spoils from work.

I taught Relief Society and grew so much from wonderful girls like Anna Thurston, Sarah Christensen, and Jane Anne Jackson. I spent all my extra money on expensive cereal, ate my body weight in ice cream every Sunday at the Cannon Center, and after a semester of hiding away doing workout videos in my dorm room I braved the gym with Charina. And got addicted. And was seriously one of the only girls in the gym most of the time. Those were the days....before the gym was expanded and other girls came. I also ran my first 5k!

I was overwhelmed that it seemed there were multiple parties going on EVERY night. Sometimes it was a late night fast food/ice cream run, other nights we would sneak a laptop up by the baseball diamond to watch movies. Sometimes we stood out peppering a volleyball, other nights it was entertainment enough just to spy on the couples from the ward from our 3rd floor dorm room window.

In the world of dating and boys we were still in third grade. We played guessing games and kept secrets and marriage was set somewhere off in the distance because most of the boys we knew still had to go on missions. Our freshman guy friends formed a group called "The Brethren Council" where they would discuss crushes and whatnot. As they received their mission calls they would then be called "the representative from Japan" or "Arizona" or whatever. Haha. I hope some of them read this. I had a missionary like 98% of girls at BYU. My first date was with an RM who boasted of his excellence in tennis. I beat him 6-0, 6-0. Had to throw that in there.

We had the best "resident assistant" Meg who was such an awesome convert to the church and who became a best friend to Claire and I.

I decided I didn't want to major in Sociology and took a career exploration class that came up with "Radiology" as a fitting career choice for me, which makes sense, since a big reason I didn't want to major in sociology was because it didn't require me to take Human Anatomy. Claire and I celebrated our horrible first American Heritage midterms with ice cream and a hefty curve saved us all at semester's end. We went to library mostly just to stay until we were kicked out and the music started blasting.

I loved the freshman/perpetual EFY experience, but never ever felt so happy to be home than I did after that first semester away. The night before I flew home I remember four of us stayed up until 4:30am when we went out to eat at IHOP and then I squeezed in an hour of sleep.

I realized that even when life is relatively easy because the Cannon Center makes all your meals and does all your dishes, everything is within walking distance, and you only have half a dorm room to keep clean.......I still appreciated so many things my parents did for me all those years leading up to college.
Very first Sunday at college. Probably on our way to gorge ourselves on ice cream in the Cannon Center!
BYU beats Utah football game. Sadly, it was one of only a few games I went to in college.
Hiking the Y the morning after moving into the dorms. This is on 4 hours of sleep.
Some said we looked alike. Weird how we both made the exact same face without planning it.
Classic cone-heads. Or Who's from Whoville.
This wasn't freshman year, but my dearest friends from freshman year reunited at Jane Anne's wedding. We're trying to spell 3200, because that's the floor we lived on in Chipman Hall.
Festival of colors. You've got to go at least once. We arrived late, walked for what felt like a mile because we couldn't find parking, and arrived just in time to get pink chalk thrown on our clothes and in our hair and mouth. All the other colors were gone by the time we got there.
My vending buddies Dave, Cassi, and Bryce!
Not sure why I'm making this face. I loved my vending job.
BYU volleyball game.
Girls on the floor.

Formal dance. Spilled chocolate from the chocolate fountain all down my dress. Some things never change.
Ward trip to temple square to see the lights.
Another volleyball game with ma thug friends.

Claire and Meg.


I stayed in Provo the summer after freshman year and worked as a Conference Assistant helping with Women's Conference, EFY, and Education week. I got to know Heritage Halls and worked the front desk in Wyview. I did check-ins, tested hundreds of smoke detectors, had "roaming duty" to babysit EFY kids and got free rent and food for it. I lived in a six-person apartment by myself in Heritage Halls. I was in a singles ward with RMs and was called to teach Sunday School which intimidated me to death, especially because so many EFY counselors came to our ward on Sundays. But I survived. And grew because of it.

I started dating RMs more, some of which were very recently returned missionaries who asked me to "commit to tunnel singing" or took me to MoTab organ concerts in their mini van, filling the awkward silence with awkward questions like "so what do you want in a husband?" Um......to go home.

Although I lack many pictures from this time period, we had lots of fun that summer eating in the Cannon Center still, watching the Olympics, doing puzzles and going to the pool. I became friends with everyone I worked with, even though we were all so incredibly different.
The team who worked with me as a Conference Assistant.
And some more...
The apartment I lived in alone. I had Claire over for chips and salsa I guess. Decorated the fridge with comic strips.


I moved away from the dorms with a new best friend and into an apartment south of campus with an old best friend. Claire, Charina and I lived in a ghetto apartment on stilts with the absolute worst parking lot full of potholes. The bathroom smelled of mold and the door never shut all the way. We had green carpet, about a foot of walking space in between the beds, the disposal was always broken, and ***shockingly***, the rent was very cheap. We made so many wonderful memories in that apartment, including Charina and I meeting our future husbands :). Red-headed Nicole and do-it-all Steph completed the trio at different times while we lived there. I have memories of crashing on the couch after classes with my backpack still on, playing tennis at Kiwanis all the time, and falling in love with....anatomy. It was also the year I took Italian, volleyball, and social dance. I competed in Dancesport and went to every BYU basketball game. Claire and I went to Rascal Flatts and Jason Mraz concerts as well. Oh yeah, I also fell in love with Jason Mraz.

Like 98% of girls who wait for missionaries, it didn't work out for me with my missionary. But that's where it gets good. I met future hubby and was instantly and overwhelmingly impressed by his impressiveness (I won't go into detail of all his accomplishments and coolness because he's modest and would tell me to delete it anyway) and how compatible we were. Our first official date was the night after a bad date where the guy pulled out his retainer to eat dinner, only wanted to listen to rap music, and then took me to a Satan dance and thought it'd be fun to get fake tattoos. Fail. James, on the other hand, was a complete gentleman and we had a blast eating food (the doughnuts on the first date totally won me over) and laughing our heads off at Comedy Sportz. James n-n-n-nailed it from the start.

Only problem was... I'd forgotten that a mission had always been in the back of my mind, which is a perfect lead in to summer....

(Oh yeah and can't leave out that I bowled a 205 (without bumpers) my sophomore year and won a shirt from the WILK bowling alley. Duly noted.)
We're so cool and Claire's so strange.
More evidence of that....
Cleaning out the freezer? Not really sure what's happening here.

Chugging contest I suppose.
Roomie night out at Red Robin and then to see a movie which turned out to be about cancer and really depressing.
Hey cool, we're married now. :)
Jason Mraz concert.

Punkins and Charina. And what do you know...we look "totally related" too!


Sports camps. BEST SUMMER JOB TO EVER EXIST. Outdoor games, dances, talent shows, movies, and weekly trips to Seven Peaks. As a close group of DC's and head counselors we went to Sonic or Wendy's literally every night. I bought a do-rag (which I probably spelled wrong), drove everyone nuts with my "Just Dance" ringtone, learned the cupid shuffle, and cleaned up participant vomit more than once. I also fell in love with James and submitted my mission papers and got my call to the Argentina, Buenos Aires North Mission!! The order of those two things is a blur.

And for those who never heard, James' response to me deciding on a mission was basically "well, I'll miss you, but I wouldn't tell you not to go because a mission was the greatest experience for me and I'd want you to have that same experience." Oh yeah. He good. That's just one of a million reasons why I married him.
Dorm Counselors eating out after a night at Seven Peaks.
After a dance.
Kurt and I planned the dances. We had so much in common and he thought I was the coolest. :)
This was my boss. WAS.
Three people who made had a huge influence for good on me that summer.

Hiked the Y on the fourth.

***Although I hate to leave out all that happened in between summer after sophomore year and junior year (few months home before mission, cruise, mission, summer coming home, awesome dates with James and trip to Bear Lake with his fam....those can make up another blog post later)***


After a brief two-year break to serve an unforgettable and life-changing mission in Argentina I came back to the familiar bubble of Provo. I was more than ready to return to BYU, but a little apprehensive about coming back to no one I knew. Most of my closest friends were graduated, married, and/or moved away. Fortunately I moved in with three wonderful girls: Bethany, Brianna, and Katy. Chathom Towne #5 quickly became home. I was in the greatest ward and quickly got called to be in the Relief Society presidency.

I took public speaking that semester where I introduced my talent as "I'm really good at being kind of good at a lot of things...oh and I really like FOOD." I quoted C.S. Lewis' philosophy on love and learned not to say "um" quite so much. I also took Spanish literature that semester. I stayed up until 3 or 4 a.m. writing those Spanish papers. I started working as a secretary in the School of Family Life and LOVED my job... especially the "do homework at work" part. I hung out a lot with people from my mission too. Couldn't let go of the dream I guess. All RMs go through it and some never get out of it.

Despite our initial expectations, James and I didn't get married that year. In fact, we took a lil break to date enough people to remind us that in the end we were the best fit for each other. It made the year unpredictable and emotional, but it also lead me to intensely focus on my classes and I got the best GPA of all of college that year. God blessed me to make new and lifelong girlfriends that year. I was also able to work in the temple for winter semester and then through the summer, which experience helped me learn and make many important decisions for my future.

And um...don't ask me what happened to junior year pictures, because I guess I didn't take as many. And the few I did take are forever lost. Boo.
Dinner at a Peruvian restaurant with some elders. Yes that's correct...the other sisters didn't show up.

Just an awkward picture with Mary.

Stuffing a pinata...violently.

Coolest ward activity.

I promise I did more junior year than eat with the elders, take pictures on the floor, stab pinata dolls, and throw cheetos onto shaving-cream-covered man heads.


I lived with three wonderful blonds: Laura, Mary, and Brooke. Other than the daily secretary desk job, we went camping, hiking, played co-ed intramural softball, had regular trips to our favorite places such as Red Robin Spoon-It-Up, and Sweet Tooth Fairy, watched movies, did puzzles, and took a road trip to CO for my brother and sister-in-law's reception.

My love with James was rekindled that summer when he "randomly" texted me from Jordan and a few weeks later we started dating again. My roommates loved him. We went to a rodeo and watched fireworks on the fourth of July, went out to eat, went car shopping for James, floated the Provo river, played tennis, etc. It was that summer that I knew I wanted to marry James....and then he moved to Houston to start a job. Guess I deserved that for moving to Argentina that one time ;)
Ward activity turned water fight.
Festive on the fourth.Alex Jennings made the most incredible burgers I nearly cried.
Roasting doggies in Mary's backyard.
Roomie pics. Three blonds and a brunette.

Frozen yogurt...a favorite pastime of ours...and everyone else in college.

City Creek Mall.
JFSB where I worked as a secretary all spring/summer. My roomies would visit me for lunch some days.
Cheering on our intramural softball team!
Camping in Kanarraville. I have crazy eyes and insane flexibility.
Dan saved our lives as we hiked. He likes to close his eyes for pictures.
Brooke's the dancer. Can you tell?
Morgan and Eliza's CO open house
Brooke's twin sister Paige's wedding reception.


One of my dearest friends came out to BYU-my sister Shay. When I wasn't with James on the weekends I was with Shay, and much of the time we were with Morgan and Eliza. James was working in Houston and even though we only saw each other a few times fall semester, I saw him nearly every other or every third weekend winter semester. He would show up early on Friday mornings, take me to breakfast, walk with me to work, and over most of those weekends we planned our wedding.

I threw myself my own Oreo birthday party Senior year. James taught me how to ski. I focused exclusively on classes for my major. I adored my calling as FHE mom, had the most dedicated co-chair and a group of "children" who even referred to me as "mom" when I bumped into them on campus. I LOVED Exercise Physiology, Functional Anatomy, Obesity and Weight Management, and Chronic Disease Prevention. I finally felt like I was getting into the meat of the subjects I loved. I went to St. George with some professors to help out and do a little research at the Huntsman Senior Games.  I spent much of my study time with new-found friends Jojo Edgin and Jenisy Arnegard who I wish I could have met years earlier. I also took racquetball and weight lifting which made me super buff and sweaty. Haha. I also did the Lazy Man Iron man both semesters (one month to run 26.2 miles, bike 112 miles, and swim 2.1 miles) so even though I didn't have much time to work out, I worked out more than usual.

James flew me out to Houston to visit him for a weekend in late October. I was introduced to his life there and imagined one for both of us in the near future. The second semester of my senior year we got engaged! I was taking 18 credits and planning my wedding and although it was stressful it was a joyful semester. Being engaged was everything it was cracked up to be. I was happy, and on top of that happiness there were parties, showers, and that ring. I spent lots of time just staring at that ring.

FHE fam
The lovely and unbelievably photogenic Shay :D
Tuesday shakes
Photo booth at Brooke and Jacob's wedding reception.
Bridesmaids at Brook and Jacob's Vegas wedding!
James spontaneously flew me to Houston for the last weekend of October. It was the greatest weekend!
At cousin Lindsay's wedding with my beautiful sister.
President's weekend wedding dress shopping for ME with my wonderful sisters.
Saturday afternoon of mini golf, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and Coldstone ice cream because our starving student card had lots of expiration dates coming up.
We finally ran a 5k together!
Village Inn after going through the temple with Shay.
Night before Brooke's wedding!
Engagged to be marred.
We're totes cute. Easter with the fam in Payson.
I "walked" in April and celebrated my graduation as though I was actually graduating. After marriage a week later and moving to Houston the week after the honeymoon I spent the summer doing my internship and working on my last two classes through Independent Study. Because that wasn't at BYU, I'll spare you the details. This is a strictly BYU-reminiscing blog.

Welp, there I am.

With my fiance and my lifelong friend.

My wonderful parents, who also went to BYU.

There are so many details I've left out. There are so many wonderful friends, teachers, and coworkers who forever changed my outlook on life and blessed me for the better that I didn't even mention. If I copied from the dozen journals that spanned these college years there would still be people and events I missed. Basically, no one's college years can be condensed into a single blog post, but they must be...I'm not writing another one.

I loved college and now I love being done with college. Woot woot!